The Great Auwust, Isis

"Lady of Heaven, Queen of Earth"

Auwsat, Isis is the GOddess of Magic the wind and Fire. She is the Great ONe who heals. She is the Goddess of Love and War. She is The Divine MOther. Her name is sacred.

Auwsat, Isis is the ultimate woman, mysterious, intelligent, powerful and magnificently beautiful. Her wisdom is unsurpassed.

" The Sacred Name"

ISIS is the most popular name today for the Egyptian Goddess Auwsat, Aset, Auset,or Ast. Isis is a Greek word and in the Greek period 332-30 BCE and the Roman period 30 BCE-395 AD it was pronounced "Ees-Ees". We in the new world have anglicized the word pronouncing it "Eye-sis". The definition for her name is throne of power.

THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN, Auwsat (Aw-sat), Aset (Ah-set), Auset (Aw-set),or Ast (Ah-st)

THE ANCIENT GREEK, Isis (Ees-Ees), Esis (Aay-sis),or Eisis (Ehees-ees)

THE COPTIC/EGYPTIAN, Esi (Aay-see)or Ese (Aay-seh)

THE ANGLICIZED, Isis (Eye-sis)

 The Isis legend is the foundation legend of Egypt. Yes, there were military conquests involved, but religion not war, built the pyramids and the civilization that was Egypt. The legend of Isis grew beyond the real person. Her works and the events of her life acquired supernatural characteristics, but there was a real person behind the legend. She wasn't just a fictional character. The enlightened and long enduring civilization that was Egypt wasn't founded on the imaginary deeds of fictional characters.

According to the Isis legend, there was an ancient king, Assur, who was the first king of the first kingdom on earth. A company of evil conspirators murdered Assur. They hacked his body into pieces, and scattered his severed parts. Isis gathered up the scattered parts of Assur and put them back together. She resurrected Assur from the dead and copulated with her resurrected king. From that union, she conceived and gave birth to their son, Ur(Heru, Horus). Assur went on to become the King of Heaven and Judge of the Dead. Isis went on to become the Great Mother Goddess; she was the Pagan's "Eve." Heru went on to become the father of Pharaohs and the progenitor of the bloodline of "divine" kings. This much of the name Pharaoh (haroah) = Heru. Pharaoh = PHeru. The Isis legend is not fiction. No author created this story out of imagination or fantasy. The Isis legend is an allegorical tale. It is the history of Egypt of many generations condensed into a simple story that they taught children who had no written education.

Isis didn't resurrect the corpse of a man who had been murdered and chopped into pieces. The resurrection of Assur was a religious renaissance. Isis resurrected an ancient fragmented and defunct religion. Via her womb, she reinvigorated the royal bloodline of a deified ancestor. That ancestor was the ancient ancestral patriarch "god" El. By one path or another, El was the ancestral father god of numerous civilizations. Our word royal(real) is composed of Ra, the sun god plus El, the legendary founder of the first civilizations. The name Israel means Isis Royal, the royal line of Isis. The name Israel is a compound of Isis, the mother goddess.

 Isis was a magician, possibly the archetype of the high priestess of the tarot. She learned her magic from Toth, although accroding to some legends she obtained her powers from Ra himslef by tricking him into revealing is name to her, thus acquiring his full magical knowledge.

In order to resurrect Osiris for the purpose of having the child Horus, it was necessary, for Isis to learn  magic, and so it was that Isis tricked Ra (i,e Amun-Ra, Atum-Ra) into telling her his "secret name", by getting a snake to bite him and poison him, so that he would use his "secret name" to survive. This aspect becomes central in magic spells, and Isis is often implored to use the true name of Re while performing rituals. By the late Egyptian history , Isis becomes the most important and most powerful magical deity of the Egyptian pantheon.

Magic is central to the entire mythology of Isis; arguably more so than any other Egyptian deity. In consequence of her deeply magical nature, Isis also became a goddess of the magis.  The prior goddess to hold the quadrupole rolessof healer and protector of the canopic jars, protector of the marriage, and goddess of magic, Serket, became considered an aspect of her. Thus it is not surprising that Isis had a central role in Egyptian magic spells and ritual, especially those of protection and healing. In many spells, she is also completely merged with Horus, where invocations of Isis are supposed to automatically involve Horus' power as well as, the sun god El, the ancient father god.

The ancestral father god, El, was a prehistorical patriarch of date unknown. His legend goes al;l the way back to the first civilisations following the metldowm of the Ice Age. He and his descendants conquered and bred widely long before there were any written records. His legend was handed down by word of mouth through many generations in the form of heroic stories and wise sayings.  Before Biblical Yahweh, El was the ancestral father god of ancient Syrian, Canaanite and Hebrew nations. El was a generic name for God.

El-elyon: the most high God

El-shaddi: the all sufficient God

El-olam: the everlasting God

El-elchad: the One God

El-hanne'eman: the faihtful God

El-tsaddick: the righteous God

El-emet: the God of truth or the reliable God

Immanu-el: God with us

El was the Biblical  El-ohim, Adams' father. El was the father of the Canaanite god Ba'al. Ba'al is a much reviled god of the Bible, but Ba'al means son of El, and Ba'al was the father god of the Canaanites of Abrahams time.

El-issa (El & Isis) was a wife of Ba'al.

El-issa in Hebrew means the wife/female of El. Ba'al and Elissa were gods of Israel up unitl about 600 BCE.

" And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and when daughters were born unto them, that  the  sons of God saw that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose...There were giantin the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children unto them, the same became mighty men whcih were of ols, men of reknwon." Genesis .6:1-4.

El was the "God" whose sons saw the daughter of men were fair.

Following the meltdown of the ice Age (11-12 thousand years ago) our ancestors began turning to agriculture to supplement or replace their hunting and gathering economies. The early agrarian civilizations of the Mediterranean region all traced their ancestry back to the ancient father god El by some path or other – although not all of them used that name. Assur was an Egyptian version of the god El. Isis resurrected El from the dead. El wasn't Assur until Isis resurrected him. The resurrection of Assur was a religious renaissance; it was the restoration of a peaceful union of related kingdoms that had fallen into disarray, strife and war. The resurrection of Isis is a renaissance. It is the restoration of an ancient peaceful union of mankind that has fallen into disarray, strife and war.

 Black Isis, The Black Virgin

As all things in our reality have positive and negative polarities, so too does the feminine icon Isis. All souls contain a side that is in the light and that which is dark. This reflects the emotionals aspects of third dimension, love very fear and hate.

Isis is a metaphor for the feminine aspect in all of us. Therefore Isis is portrayed as having dual aspects of Light, the goddess, and Dark which links with magic, illusion, time, and alchemy of consciousness, the Trickster, Merlin, etc.

Coming from Egypt she would be portrayed as a dark skinned woman, though in modern times she is fair.

All feminine archetypes in all mythologies, are linked to one soul, be they goddesses, priestesses, Mary, aliens entities, etc. They are all the same soul essence.

 The ankh [the looped cross of Egypt] which Isis carries as supreme initiatrix may account for some of the oddly-shaped scepters carried by the Black Virgins who, like Isis, often favor the color green. Their greeness and blackness points to the beginning of the opus whose secret, according to alchemists, is to be found in 'the sex of Isis'.

The Templars, imprisoned and awaiting death in the Castle of Chinon composed a prayer to Our Lady acknowledging Bernard to be the founder of her religion. In addition to the numerous hymns and sermons he addressed to her, he wrote about 280 sermons on the theme of the Song of Songs, the epithalamion of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, whose versicle 'I am black, but I am beautiful, O ye daughters of Jerusalem' is the recurring refrain of the Black Virgin cult.

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